Canada’s Next Turncoat: Martin Regg Cohn Defects from Justin Trudeau’s Party

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The buzz is growing as to how you might boycott the Beijing Winter Olympics if they were held at Tiananmen Square again…

Martin Regg Cohn joins Brian Kilmeade to discuss.

Martin Regg Cohn, Canada’s newest turncoat and former MP has decided to openly call on the Canadian government to boycott the Beijing Olympics if there were to be any attempt to hold one again on Tiananmen Square. Martin’s predicament follows the landslide victory of Chinese Communist representative-elect Chen Kyi-tung in a strongly anti-reform election on the Chinese National Council last week. It’s been a perfect storm of international news coverage, over $500 million Canadian coin from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and is the final straw of a range of Canadian-related and once popular policies/ideas that have started to vanish as they’ve moved into the wilderness with a group of sometimes fuzzy leftists that now occupy the various ministries in the government of the new Ontario Liberal Government.

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